Hello and welcome to my online store.

For over 40 years, I have collected toys, mainly small trains and anything that revolves around them.

I have therefore accumulated numerous pieces (several thousand references) and I tirelessly continue my research throughout France in the hope of finding, like any collector, the pieces that I am missing, or quite simply of completing my sets!

You will therefore find on this store, the pieces that I wish to dispose of.
These are either duplicates or material that no longer interests me.
You will have understood, in general these parts are unitary.

The equipment is described in all sincerity, with maximum detail and numerous photographs to allow you to judge "as best as possible" the condition of the equipment.

You can of course contact me if you would like more information on any of the materials that might attract your attention.

Furthermore, I take out some of this material once a year at the exchange in my city.

There is therefore only a small probability that equipment will no longer be available after you have ordered it.
In this case, I will offer you similar equipment, either give you a credit, or reimburse you for the equipment, depending on your convenience.

After this little presentation, do not hesitate to browse this site in all directions, and to send me your comments.

Have fun, and I hope you find material that gives you as much pleasure as I get when I escape into my passion.